October 23, 2012

Losers... again...

Another OCC in the books and there's a new happy first place team from the biggest little city in the world... just not us...

10 teams showed this year with 50% of the cash prize pool going to first place (somewhere around $450), 35% to second, and 15% to third. The kicker... over $350 to the angler with the biggest fish. No commanding leads or tournament run-aways this year. It was a close game for all teams all the way until the end of day two.

Even though we tried, team master baetis (minus the dirty Samchez) couldn't bring home the trophy this year. If there were an award for the biggest clown show, we would've been heavy contenders. Our day one was fraught with break-offs and lost fish. We unbuttoned well over 150 inches of fish on day one and broke off another 70 or so inches. I watched Jason break off what would have been the biggest fish of the tournament by a clean 5 inches... pretty heartbreaking to watch a $350 fish deal you an ass whooping... but that's how the Truckee crumbles.

Still had fun and still didn't win... again. Pretty much the story of my life.

Did manage one decent fish to help the cause:

October 5, 2012

October Cutthroat Classic Oct. 20th and 21st

Coming this October 20th and 21st is the 3rd annual October Cutthroat Classic fly fishing tournament on the Truckee River in Reno, NV.

The tournament is a day and a half long fly fishing only tournament where two-person teams will compete for cash payouts, the next 12 months worth of bragging rights, and a spot for their names on the OCC tournament trophy. The cost is $100 per two-person team, which includes entry into the tournament prize pool and a BBQ on Sunday afternoon/evening. The tournament dates are Saturday and Sunday October 20th and 21st, 2012 in the biggest little city in the world. We hope to see you there!

For more information about the tournament or to register please email Kevin at flyfishocc@gmail.com or call 775-848-8894.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OctoberCutthroatClassic

October 4, 2012

Snack Time

Caviar flavored chips anyone?

Strangely enough... pretty tasty...

Just be prepared not to talk to anyone 'till you get a toothbrush on those chompers. Makes coffee breathe seem like a blessing.