October 24, 2011

BC Steelhead 2011

Back from the great white north, eh?
These photos were shot in 3B.

One tube, 7k worth of rods... don't lose that bag.

The ride.

The flotilla.

Some serious tech rowing needed on this river.

Gettin' to bidness on day one.

Took me a day to break the seal, but when she went, she went.

I know they say the lucky ones go to Montana when they die, but I'm pretty sure this is what heaven looks like.

Metal detected.

Chrome hunting at all costs.

The standard.

Fair enough.

Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!.... what does it mean?

Got a little chilly goin' over the pass.

Hole in one near the golf course run.

 "Spot of tea before we move on?"

Salmon in the flats. Those bastards have some teeth. Left a hole in my thumb that still hasn't healed.

Why we fish.

I don't give a shit how tough you are... After 16 days of grinding on huge fish and dunking your hand in cold water, it hurts.

Our new friend Paul with a juicy fish from a juicy run.

Just another coal seam fish. 1st out of many.

This fella was eating dries against the bank like a spring creek trout... Just not my dries.

A day later, another fish in the exact same spot eating dries. Again, not my dries.

One out of over 12 fish pulled from what we now call J.J.'s low hole... C'mon down and fish the ol' low hole.

That damn coal seam was hot all day every day. Even after being buzzed by 30 jet sleds. 

Crouching tiger hidden steelhead. 

The giant. 39 x 22".

The tree I had to dance around to land that giant... over, under, around, repeat...