I'll make it quick, cause I'm on my way out the door right now to take full advantage of the K factor.
Three days, two guys... and only one fish to show for it...
Air temps were all over the place with one day nice and sunny and in the 50's, one day rainy and in the 40's, and the third day snowy with howling wind and temps (with wind chill) near zero... brrrrrrrrr.... I'm guessing the water temps held pretty stable, but it still didn't help the fishing.
Water was gin clear and low low low. Fishing was tough for everybody that we talked to. Some local gurus were saying that the fall returns this year are the lowest they've seen in 50 years. Even the bait dunkers weren't touching fish. Hopefully the winter run comes in with a vengeance... cause we'll be waiting....
Fly of the week is this thing...